Plan your trip and Let the mountains move you in Valemount.
Destination Overview
Valemount is conveniently located midway between Vancouver, BC and Edmonton, AB in the Thompson Okanagan Region of BC. The area surrounding Valemount is known as The Valley in the Mountains.
Plan your next trip to Valemount, a quaint town surrounded by magnificent peaks. Feast your eyes on Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies and a Unesco World Heritage Site. Enjoy the scenery as you travel the famed Yellowhead Highway (BC Hwy #5), to the northern tip of Kinbasket Lake. It’s there you’ll find Valemount sitting at the foot of Canoe Mountain. Look to the east; those are the Rocky Mountains. Look south and you’ll see the Monashee Mountains. Turn to the west and gaze up the Cariboo Mountains.
Getting here is easy and we’re happy you’ve decided to come and visit. Plan to stay for a while and learn our story, meet the locals, and enjoy our great outdoors.