Tourism Valemount



Valemount is rich in history and we’ve preserved our heritage in our museums.

Valemount Museums

Take a tour of the Valemount War Heroes Museum within The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 266. It’s a sombre reminder how international conflicts had a deadly impact even within the protective shadow of the Rocky Mountains. View photos, books, uniforms and artifacts that detail the region’s history and contributions to peacekeeping. Valemount’s heritage runs deep in this valley.

If you close your eyes you can almost hear the echoes of the Grand Trunk Pacific train as it approaches the station. The Valemount Museum and Archive is open during the summer months (May-September). It was originally a train station back in the 1930s. Take a self-guided tour or be led through the exhibits by our friendly staff. It is awash with local history that includes antique tools and furniture.

By educating yourself on their stories, you give respect to those who fought and died for our freedom.

Top Ways to Experience Valemount’s Pioneering History in Winter

  1. View the exhibits at the Valemount War Heroes Museum at the local Legion to discover how international conflicts have impacted the area

Need To Know

  • Visit the Valemount War Museum year round during regular Legion hours
  • Our museum is not open in the winter. We open from May to September
  • The Mica Mountain trail is not passable in winter

Mountain Driftwood Gallery
Art Gallery
Pioneer Reenactment
Pioneer Re-enactment
Heritage Art Walk
Heritage Art Walk
Canada Day
Canada Day
Valemount Public Library in winter
Public Library